
Selasa, 17 September 2013

Anouncement dan schedule kegiatan Inavasc IV bandung 9-10 november 2013

(InaVasc IV)

Scientific Capability and Practice of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Indonesia – Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peningkatan Kemampuan Pengetahuan Sains dan Praktek Vaskular
Diagnosis dan Pengelolaan Penyakit Pembuluh Darah Tepi – Diagnosis dan Pengelolaan Penyakit Pembuluh Darah Tepi

November 9-10th, 2013

The Indonesian Society  for Vascular And Endovascular Surgery
Division of Vascular Surgery, Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital
Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital

Welcome Message

Dear all,
Management of vascular and endovascular surgery has developed rapidly recent years. Some breakthrough in current management, in either conservative or invasive treatment modalities take an important role in promoting excellent skill and advanced knowledge in the management of vascular disease. Therefore, as continuing effort to bring the latest information needed for better quality of care for patients, The Indonesia Society for Vascular And Endovascular Surgery, The Division of Vascular Surgery, Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, and The Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, will be holding Indonesia Vascular Update IV (InaVasc IV) in Bandung on November 9 – 10th, 2013.

In adjunct to the symposium, workshop will be conducted on day 2. There will be three workshops consisting of: vascular physical examination and ultrasonography, foam sclerotherapy, and haemodyalisis access focusing in AV fistula.

With our warmest heart, we hope these agenda give valuable scientific experiences and all participants enjoying the whole program.

We sincerely invite you to join us in Bandung.

Best regards,

Hendro Sudjono Yuwono                                         R. Suhartono
Chairman of the Organizing Committee                       President of PESBEVI

Committee & Faculties

·         President of PESBEVI
·         Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran
·         Chairman of Division of Vascular, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital
·         Head of Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital

Chairman of Organizing Committee
Hendro Sudjono Yuwono

Faculty Member

H. Djang Jusi
Alexander Jayadi Utama
Hendro Sudjono Yuwono
Richard Marnix Sumangkut
R. Soeparwata
Dedi Achmad Zaelani
Murnizal Dahlan
Witra Irfan
Hilman Ibrahim
R. Suhartono
Fahmi Jaka
Dedy Pratama
Vendry Rivaldy
Aris Sudjarwo
Raflis Rustam
Agnes Indarti
Teguh Marfen Djajakusumah
Putie Hapsari
Ismon Kusasi
Muhammad Fauzi
Aswadi Tanjung
Wahyu Wardhana
Ramzi Asrial

d/a Divisi Vaskuler dan Endovaskuler, Department Ilmu Bedah
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/ RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 – Jakarta Pusat
No. Tlp : +62-21-3910487

d/a Divisi Bedah Vaskular, Departemen Ilmu Bedah
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin
Jl.Pasteur no. 38 - Bandung
No.Tlp : +62-22-2038436 
CP      : Hendra Benyamin (085220391205), Putie Hapsari (0811237961),
            Fahad Hasan (081210009382), Irzan (083829010395)
Email :  

Program At A Glance    
Indonesia Vascular Update IV (InaVasc IV)
Scientific Capability and Practice of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Indonesia – Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease
November 9-10th, 2013 – Bandung

Saturday, November 9th, 2013
Sunday, November 10th, 2013
Auditorium Gedung Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran – Jl. Eijkman No.38 Bandung
07.00 – 07.30
08.00 – 09.30
Symposium 5
Endovascular: Current Technique in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery for Better Quality of Care
07.30 – 08.00
Opening Ceremony & Book Launch
09.30 – 09.45
Coffee Break
08.00 – 09.30
Symposium 1
Epidemiology of Vascular Diseases and Management of Peripheral Arterial Diseases
09.45 – 11.15
Symposium 6
Vascular Trauma, Vascular Access,
and Carotid Disease
Coffee Break
11.15 – 12.15
Lunch Symposia
09.45 – 11.15
Symposium 2
Limb Ischaemia
12.15 – 13.00
Lunch Break
11.15 – 12.15
Lunch Symposia
13.00 – 16.00
Workshop I
Foam Sclerotherapy
13.00 – 16.00
Workshop II
Vascular Physical Examination and Ultrasonography
13.00 – 16.00
Workshop III
Haemodyalisis Access: AV Fistula
12.15 – 13.15
Lunch Break
Workshop IV
Vascular Access for Chemotheraphy and Parenteral Nutrition

13.15 – 14.45
Symposium 3
Venous and Lymphatic Disorders
16.00 – 16.30
Closing Ceremony, Doorprize, and
Poster Presentation Winner Anouncement
14.45 – 15.00
Coffee Break

Exhibition will be held troughout the symposium

Poster Presentation will be held
on Day 2 of the symposium

15.00 – 16.30
Symposium 4
Haemangioma and Vascular Malformation

Scientific Schedule

Day 1: Saturday, November 9th, 2013

Opening Ceremony and Book Launch

07.30 – 08.00 Author speech: Prof. Hendro S. Yuwono, dr., SpB(K)V
“Coffee for Wound Healing: New Paradigm in Wound Management”
Commentary Speech by Director of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital
Commentary and Opening Speech by Dean of Medical Faculty of University of Padjadjaran

Symposium 1
Epidemiology of Vascular Diseases and Management of Peripheral Arterial Diseases
Moderator: Prof. H. Djang Jusi, dr., SpB(K)V

08.00 – 08.20 The Frequency of Vascular Disease in Indonesia
                   Prof. Hendro S. Yuwono, dr., SpB(K)V
08.20 – 08.40 Peripheral Arterial Disease: Diagnosis and Management
                   R. Suhartono, dr., SpB(K)V
08.40 – 09.00 Diabetic Foot: Diagnosis and Management
                   Dedy Pratama, dr., SpB(K)V
09.00 – 09.30 Discussion

09.3009.45 Coffee break

Symposium 2
Limb Ischaemia
Moderator: Aswadi Tanjung, dr., SpB(K)V

09.4510.05 Acute Limb Ischaemia
                   Patrianef, dr., SpB(K)V
10.05 – 10.25 Critical Limb Ischaemia
                   Ismon Kusasi, dr., SpB(K)V
10.25 – 10.45 Buerger’s disease and Other Vasculitis
                   Richard Manix Sumangkut, dr., SpB(K)V
10.45 – 11.15 Discussion

Lunch Symposia

11.15 – 11.45 Chronic Venous Insufficiency
                   Teguh Marfen Djajakusumah, dr., SpB(K)V
11.45 – 12.15 Primary Haemorrhoidal Disease:The Best Conservative Treatment
                   Prof. Hendro S. Yuwono, dr., SpB(K)V

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch Break

Symposium 3
Venous and Lymphatic Disorders
Moderator: Murnizal Dahlan, dr., SpB(K)V

13.15 – 13.35 Intervention in Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Disease
                   Dedy Pratama, dr., SpB(K)V
13.35 – 13.55 Deep Vein Trombosis
                   Witra Irfan, dr., SpB
13.55 – 14.15 Lymphedema: Prevention and Conservative Treatment
                   Prof. Hendro S. Yuwono, dr., SpB(K)V
14.15 – 14.45 Discussion

14.4515.00 Coffee break

Symposium 4
Haemangioma and Vascular Malformation
Moderator: Aris Sudjarwo, dr., SpB(K)V

15.00 – 15.20 Vascular Anomalies: Classification and Diagnosis
                   Teguh Marfen Djajakusumah, dr., SpB(K)V
15.20 – 15.40 Treatment modalities for Hemangioma
                   Raflis Rustam, dr., SpB(K)V
15.40 – 16.00 Treatment modalities for Vascular Malformation
                   Alexander Jayadi Utama, dr., SpB(K)V
16.00 – 16.30 Discussion

End of Day 1

Day 2: Sunday, November 10th, 2013

Symposium 5
Endovascular: Current Technique in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery for Better Quality of Care
Moderator: Prof. Rasjid Soeparwata, dr., SpBTKV, SpB(K)V

08.00 – 08.20 Development of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in Indonesia
                    HIlman Ibrahim, dr., SpB(K)V
08.20 – 08.40 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Diagnosis and Treatment Options
                   Prof. Hanafiah – Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia
08.40 – 09.00 Endovascular Treatment Options for Peripheral Arterial Disease
                   Zainal Arifin, dr. – Hospital Kuala Lumpur
09.00 – 09.30 Discussion

09.30 – 09.45 Coffee Break

Symposium 6
Vascular Trauma, Vascular Access, and Carotid Disease
Moderator: Arthur L. Tobing, dr., SpB

09.45 – 10.05 Vascular Trauma
                   Ihsan, dr., SpB
10.05 – 10.35 Vascular and Hemodyalisis Access
                   R. Suhartono, dr., SpB(K)V
10.35 – 10.55 Carotid Disease
                   Prof. Rasjid Soeparwata, dr., SpBTKV, SpB(K)V
10.55 – 11.15 Discussion

Lunch Symposia

11.1512.15  Wound Care
12.15 – 13.00 Lunch Break

Workshops 13.00 – 16.00

13.00 – 14.30 Workshop I    : Foam Sclerotherapy
13.00 – 16.00          Workshop II   : Vascular Physical Examination and Ultrasonography
13.00 – 16.00          Workshop III  : Haemodyalisis Access: AV Fistula
14.30 – 16.00          Workshop IV  : Vascular Access For Chemotherapy & Parenteral Nutrition

16.00 – 16.30 Closing Ceremony, Doorprizes, and Poster Presentation Winner

End of Day 2

Abstract Instruction
Only electronically submitted abstracts will therefore be considered. Abstract must be submitted through Format the text in accordance with the instruction below:
1.    Abstract must be type single spacing, font in 10 point only and justified at the left margin only, do not leave blank lines between paragraphs. Do not indent.
2.    Abstract title should appear in bold, do not indent. Title should be consider and indicate the content of the abstract.
3.    Use first initial followed by the last name, omit degrees. For poster submission place an asterisk (*) after the name of the author presenting the poster. On a separate line, type as succinctly as possible the names of institutions and countries.
4.    Leave blank in between the title/author block and the abstract text. The abstract text should include background, methods, results, and conclusion.
5.    Each abstract may contain up to max. 1,800 characters, including title, author’s name, affiliation, and the abstract text (spaces are not included).
6.    Use italics only when appropriate (e.g., for names of genus and species). Simple table and graphs (neat and in black ink) may be included.
7.    Deadline for abstracts will not be exceeded of 10 October 2013.
8.    Each abstract must be submitted in electronic form as MS. WORD for window (2003 or 2007, or any previous version).
9.    Poster presenter must pay full registration fee.

1.    For poster presenters, the organizing committee will provide 7 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.
2.    The deadline for abstract submission is October 10th, 2013.
3.    The organizing committee will send a confirmation letter for each poster abstract accepted.
4.    Poster size must be 90x120 cm, font size must be able to be red from 2 m distance.
5.    Assessment or decision of the judge can not be contested.
6.    Certificate for poster presenter will be given ONLY for presenters who attend and give presentation.
7.    Registration for the conference is mandatory for poster.



NOVEMBER 9-10th, 2013
Auditorium Gedung Rumah Sakit Pendidikan FK UNPAD lantai 2
JL. Eijkman no. 38

Deadline of abstract subsimission
OCTOBER 10th, 2013

Symposium                                                    Exibition
NOVEMBER 9-10th, 2013                                   NOVEMBER 9-10th, 2013

Workshop                                                      Poster Presentation
NOVEMBER 10th, 2013                                                NOVEMBER 10th, 2013

In-focus/LCD are available for symposia. If you need Video/VCD/DVD player, please inform the committee one month prior to the event.

The committee will organized an exhibition in conjunction with congress, featuring the latest pharmaceutical, instrumentations, and medical equipment for clinical managements and research. The exhibition will take place at the same location the symposium conducted.  Companies interested in participating in the exhibition may request for details from the congress secretariat.

The organizing committee will send a letter of invitation upon request. This invitation is intend to facilitate participant’s travel and visa arrangement and do not imply any commitment of financial or other support by the organizing committee. Please include your name, address, and a note rewetting a letter of invitation.

The organizing committee shall not be held liable for personal accidents , illness, loses, or damage to private property of registered delegates of the congress, during and after the event. Participant is finally responsible for any damage sustained venue fittings, property or equipment. Participants are strongly recommended to seek insurance coverage for health and accident, lost luggage and trip cancellation.



The registration fee includes: admission to all scientific session except workshop, admission to Opening Ceremony, admission to exibition, abstract book,  programme book, symposium kits, lunch and coffe break.

All registration fees must be paid by bank transfer. Registrant  should bear all bank charges.  Please send a copy of the transaction along with the registration to the Organizing Comittee.

Bank Mandiri, Cabang RSHS, Bandung
Account Name      : Hendro Sudjono Yuwono
Account Number   : 132 000 222 1381

Upon receive of registration payment, each participant will receive an official confirmation. Please bring and show this confirmation letter to the registration  desk for re-registration.

Those who have not registered in advanced may register at on-site registration desk. Only cash payment will be accepted during on site registration. No refund will be made for on-site registration fees.

Rp 750.000
Rp 400.000
MEDICAL STUDENT                   
Rp 150.000
Rp 150.000

Limited for 20 person              
Rp 500.000
Limited for 20 person    
Rp 500.000   
Limited for 10 person, surgeon only
Rp 2.000.000
VASCULAR ACCESS : For Chemotherapy & Parenteral Nutrition
Limited for 20 person,  surgeon only
Rp 1.000.000

Please fill in this form with capital block

NAME            :        __________________________________________________________

INSTITUTION  :        __________________________________________________________

ADDRESS        :        __________________________________________________________

CITY             :        ______________________________ ZIP CODE      : ______________

PHONE          :        ____ --__________________________   FAX        : ____________________

EMAIL           :        ___________________________________________________________

Rp 750.000
Rp 400.000
Rp 150.000
Rp 150.000

Limited for 20 person              
Rp 500.000
Limited for 20 person    
Rp 500.000   
Limited for 10 person,  surgeon only
Rp 2.000.000
VASCULAR ACCESS : For Chemotherapy & Parenteral Nutrition
Limited for 20 person,  surgeon only
Rp 1.000.000

Transfer via following account
Bank Mandiri, Cabang RSHS, Bandung
Account Name        : Hendro Sudjono Yuwono
Account Number     : 132 000 222 1381                            
Bank charges will be borne by participants

I.             Bandung - History & Recreation
History and Recreation
Bandung is the capital city of West Java, and the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Nicknamed Parijs van Java (Paris of Java) by the Dutch for its resemblance to Paris and European atmosphere back at the colonial times. Another nickname is Kota Kembang, literally meaning the Flower City since Bandung used to have a lot of flowers.
In the 17th-18th century, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) created small plantations in Bandung, with a road to Batavia (today's Jakarta) completed in 1786. In 1809, Louis Bonaparte, the ruler of the Netherlands and its colonies, ordered the Dutch Indies Governor H.W. Daendels to improve Java's defenses against the threat of the English, who occupied the nearby Malay peninsula. Daendels responded by building the Great Post Road (De Groote Postweg) that stretched about 1000 km between the west and the east coasts of Java. Because north coast was in the form of impassable swamps and marshes at the time, the road was diverted through Bandung along what is now Jalan Asia-Afrika.
Daendels liked Bandung's strategic location so much that he ordered the capital to be moved there. Military barracks were built and Bupati Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administrator of that area, built his dalem (palace), Masjid Agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (meeting place) in the classical Javan alun-alun (city square) near a pair of holy city wells (Sumur Bandung) and facing the mystical mountain of Tangkuban Perahu.
Located at the altitude of 768 m with the surroundings of lush and beautiful Parahyangan mountains makes the climate mild and pleasant. The city has been well known for the universities, apparel products and a great place for gastronomic adventure. Nowadays, Bandung has become a very popular weekend escape for Jakartans, who would crowd the city on weekends and national holidays.

Gedung Sate, Jl. Diponegoro. Architect: J. Gerber, built in 1921. It was used as the head of the Dutch Indies Government Companies. The roof has a decoration of a popular satay food as now it is famous for the name, though it was not meant to be like that. In fact, it is a 6 ornaments, symbolizing 6 million guldens, the cost of the building. Now, the complex is the office of West Java governor and the local provincial house of representatives. Interestingly, this building mixes different architectural styles: Spanish Moorish style for the windows, Italian renaissance for the over all building, and between Balinese pura & Thai's pagoda for the roof. The facade faces directly to the Mt. Tangkubanperahu. The building is open for public, and at the end of the journey inside, you can sip a nice hot bajigur drink while watching the city view from the top floor.
Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. Go circling around Kawah Ratu (Queen's crater) to see the volcanic activity closely. Is on the northern side of Bandung, the closest city is Lembang. You can see it from a distance at many places in Bandung but a tour to Bandung will not be complete without visiting the crater. If you are in Bandung, take a look towards the north keeping an eye out for a mountain of unusual shape. The name itself comes from the local legend of Sangkuriang ("Legenda Sangkuriang") The legend is based upon a disobedient son who kicks his boat upside-down and was then transformed into stone. Hence the name of this mountain. Tangkubanflipped and perahu boat. It is still an active volcanic mountain. The crater is reachable by car and it is fun to do hiking to the top by foot from Lembang. Elevation is 2,084 m above sea level and the path from Lembang is not too steep. At the crater, there is a tourist spot. Near the main crater is another amazing site, 'Kawah Upas', where you stand between two big craters, to the left and to the right.
Sari Ater is a resort with natural hot water spring pools, some recreation parks and healthy spas. Stay overnight and have a good dinner at their restaurant. This hot spring has shallow pools some with lukewarm and some with hot spring water for you to soak. There is a restaurant serving food just adjacent to the pools.

Kawah Putih (2,430 meters), about 50 km south of Bandung (Travel south through Ciwidey). Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater around 50 km to the south of Bandung. Expect quite lengthy drive from the city centre. Allocate at least more than half day to visit this crater lake. The admission fee is not as cheap as other tourist spot, but the scenery is breathtaking and out of this world.

Paris Van Java Mall, Jl Sukajadi. An attractive atmosphere with a mixed environment of outdoor and indoor mall. Carrefour, a mega international style supermarket, Gramedia, a giant bookstore, cafe, bistros. Both smaller shops and high end clothing stores such as MNG, Guess, H.O.B., and Esprit can be found here.

Trans Studio Bandung Theme Park is the second indoor theme park in Indonesia after Makassar. Trans Studio Bandung is much more spectacular and exciting than Trans Studio Makassar, but both have their own uniqueness that makes Trans Studio Bandung not only the biggest in Indonesia but also one of the biggest in the world. It has 20 rides and variety of shows. It divided into 3 different zones. Visitors will feel the experience of becoming a star also become a men behind the scene of your favorite TV programs in TRANS TV and TRANS 7, such as ‘Dunia Lain’, ‘Jelajah’, ‘Si Bolang’ and many more.

· The Indonesian Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
· Division of Vascular Surgery, Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Padjadjaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital
· Departement of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran/
Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital

d/a Divisi Vaskuler dan Endovaskuler, Department Ilmu Bedah
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 – Jakarta Pusat
No. Tlp : +62-21-3910487

d/a Divisi Bedah Vaskular, Departemen Ilmu Bedah
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin
Jl.Pasteur no. 38 - Bandung
No. Tlp : +62-22-2038436
Contact Person : Hendro Sudjono Yuwono (0811206443), Putie Hapsari (085793347858),
Samuel Pratama Adjie(081367677244), Agus (082117301612)

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