
Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

congenital contriction band

Congenital constriction bands are anomalous bands that encircle a digit or an extremity. Congenital constriction band syndrome is  rare condition and is mostly associated with other musculoskeletal disorders

Congenital bands, also called ring constrictions,rather than lower extremity
Streeter dysplasia, amniotic bands, annular defects are
anomalous bands that encircle, either partially or
completely a digit or an extremity(1). Incidence (2) of
this condition in new born is 01%. These may involve
just the skin but they can be as deep as the underlying
skeletal structures and some have caused subtotal or total
autoamputation (3). The part distal to the band may appear
to be entirely normal, or it may be edematous or even
gangrenous. Additional musculoskeletal disorders that may
be present include club foot,synacdactly or
acrosynacdactly, hypoplastic nails, hypoplastic fingers,
pseudoarthrosis of underlying bones,absence of
bones,peripheral nervedefects,distal lymphodema,
intrauterine amputations, cleft lip and cleft palate and
umblical hernia (4). Etiology of this syndrome is unknown.
This syndrome may be caused by prenatal environmental
factors and it appears to be result of excessive contraction
of the uterine muscles and hemorrhages from marginal
blood sinus.Being a rare condition and mostly associated
with other musculoskelton disorders, it is worth reporting.

A boy aged six years  old , borned with full term normaldelivery, presented to bangkinang hospital
Occasionally, constriction ring syndrome can be diagnosed before birth by
prenatal ultrasound. However, the majority of cases are diagnosed at or
shortly after birth. The diagnosis is typically made by the treating physician
after a thorough medical history and physical examination. X-rays of
the affected limb are also used to help assess the degree of involvement.

How is constriction ring syndrome treated?

Treatment of constriction ring syndrome is individualized according to your
child’s specific condition. In general, if your child has shallow, incomplete
constriction rings, he may be treated with a simple day surgical procedure.
If your child has deep constriction rings, one or more surgeries may be
required to improve the appearance and function of the affected hand.
Surgeries are usually performed after your child and his hand have had
time to grow (6 months -1 year). Deep constriction rings that impede
blood flow must be addressed immediately, however. It is important to
note that despite the differences in appearance, affected hands/fingers
generally have excellent long-term function.
How is constriction ring syndrome treated?

Treatment of constriction ring syndrome is individualized according to yourchild’s specific condition. In general, if your child has shallow, incompleteconstriction rings, he may be treated with a simple day surgical procedure.If your child has deep constriction rings, one or more surgeries may be required to improve the appearance and function of the affected hand.Surgeries are usually performed after your child and his hand have hadtime to grow (6 months -1 year). Deep constriction rings that impede blood flow must be addressed immediately,  however. It is important to note that despite the differences in appearance, affected hands/fingers generally have excellent long-term function.

Constriction ring syndrome occurs in about 1 in every 10,000-15,000
births. It is believed to occur more frequently in the upper extremity


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